While some people are fortunate enough to have solid enough financial situations that they can work jobs they truly enjoy, most people either work exclusively or primarily for compensation in the form of money, insurance, and potentially other workplace benefits.
In our personal lives, we choose who we want to spend time around, what activities we engage in, and otherwise adjust our environments to our liking. However, in the workplace, we’re often forced to work in close proximity to people that we don’t like to be around, who don’t treat us fairly, and who might even dislike us.
For this reason, workplace harassment typically is carried out over long periods of time. In our private lives, we’re almost always readily able to change our surroundings so that someone who harasses us won’t have a chance to be around us again. However, the same can’t be said for our work environments.
If people could quit their positions without worrying about where their next paychecks come from, harassment wouldn’t be such a big issue in the workplace. Unfortunately, sometimes the only answer to harassment in the workplace is to hire a sexual harassment lawyer in Los Angeles.
Let’s take a peek at the two main types of wrongful workplace harassment
Quid pro quo harassment involves employees who take positions under the not-agreed-upon condition that the employer has to put up with unwanted advances of a personal, non-work-related, sexual nature. This also includes being asked to perform sexual favors. In such situations, employees usually end up quitting with or without the assistance of a sexual harassment lawyer in Los Angeles.
Less frequently, quid pro quo workplace harassment comes in the form of unwanted, relentless religion-associated behavior.
Hostile work environments are the second main type of harassment incurred in the workplace. Employees who consistently feel intimidated, that they’re discriminated against, or offended are usually in hostile work environments. Things like corporate cultures that foster constant sexually-charged conversations, poking fun at others, and showing off insensitive pictures are some of the most frequent causes of hostile work environments.
Here’s what you need to do
Ask the person or people harassing you to stop. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so or they don’t stop, follow any and all relevant guidelines outlined in your employer’s workplace policies.
If there are no policies, talk to a supervisor about the issue. Document everything while you take these steps. You can’t legally be punished for complaining about harassment.
Lastly, take up your case with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to see what steps can be taken next.